by Don Veinot | Nov 23, 1996 | Baptism, Boston Church of Christ, Cults and Religions, Grace, International Churches of Christ, MCOI Journal, November/December 1996, Salvation
(Originally printed in the November/December 1996 Issue MCOI Journal) The ICC (International Churches of Christ) are orthodox with regard to such doctrines as the deity of Christ, the Tri-unity of the Godhead, inspiration of the Scriptures, etc.. They err primarily in...
by Joy Veinot | May 23, 1996 | Evangelism, Free Grace, Grace, May/June 1996, MCOI Journal, Rewards, Salvation
(Originally printed in the May/June 1996 Issue of the MCOI Journal) In the our last issue , we made the case that salvation is a free gift, not of works. We discussed the cultic view that “faith plus works = salvation.” Under cultic belief systems, faith...