Santeria, Animal Sacrifice, and the Constitution – Part 2
The Grave Robbers of Palo Mayombe In Part I of this article we discussed Santería, an...
The Art of Deception: Selling the Narrative
The 2002 musical film, Chicago, set in the 1920s, demonstrates the ease with which the public can...
Santeria, Animal Sacrifice, and the Constitution – Part 1
It was common in Brazil, where I lived as a child, to see animal sacrifices in our neighborhood...
Concerning Signs & Wonders…
For the record, I personally believe that God can, has, and does heal people according to His...
The Fad Driven Christian Life
Porpoise Driven Life - Mark Allen From purpose driven lives to unscheduled visits to heaven,...
The Week of New Year Tidings
For those of us in the “good ole USA,” the movement of the clock hand from 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday...
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