by Joy Veinot | Dec 19, 2024 | Good News, Grace, Incarnation, MCOI Journal, November/December 1996, Salvation
(“The Gift” was originally printed In the November/December 1996 MCOI Journal) What is it about Christmas that draws us every year to celebrations of this holiday? What is so special about Christmas? Christmas is a special time because of the happiness it...
by Michael Ervolina | Nov 23, 1996 | Cults and Religions, Jehovah's Witnesses, MCOI Journal, November/December 1996, Pagan Celebrations, Paganism
By Michael Ervolina (Originally printed in the November/December 1996 MCOI Journal) It’s the day after Thanksgiving. You’re pulling out the decorations from the attic and setting up the tree when you hear the doorbell. You mumble something about how this...
by Ravi Narasimhan | Nov 23, 1996 | Deity of Christ, Hinduism, Jesus Resurrection, karma, MCOI Journal, November/December 1996, Reincarnation
By Ravi Narasimham (Originally printed in the November/December 1996 Issue of the MCOI Journal) I was born into a Brahman family 27 years ago, one the most orthodox castes of Hinduism in India. I was raised by parents and grandparents who adhered to high moral...
by Don Veinot | Nov 23, 1996 | Baptism, Boston Church of Christ, Cults and Religions, Grace, International Churches of Christ, MCOI Journal, November/December 1996, Salvation
(Originally printed in the November/December 1996 Issue MCOI Journal) The ICC (International Churches of Christ) are orthodox with regard to such doctrines as the deity of Christ, the Tri-unity of the Godhead, inspiration of the Scriptures, etc.. They err primarily in...