by Don Veinot | Mar 21, 2013 | Abortion, Atheism, Christ and the Church, Culture and Society, Death Penalty, Politically Incorrect Jesus, Politics, ProLife, Roman Catholic, Scripture, Socialism
The Roman Catholic Church went through the process and ritual of selecting the next Pope, the head of that institution. By all accounts Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the man who has chosen the name, “Francis” has great humility. He cooked is own food, rode the bus rather...
by Ron Henzel | Aug 30, 2012 | Apologetics, Christ and the Church, Culture and Society, Death Penalty, Scripture, Theology
A few weeks ago (August 8, 2012), Jon Trott of Jesus People USA (JPUSA) uploaded a post to their Wilson Station blog titled “Big Government in Texas Executes Man with 61 IQ.” It began as a concise protest against the execution of Marvin Wilson for the 1992...