by Nick Peters | Dec 5, 2024 | Apologetics, Morality, Video games, Virtue, Worldview
Christians often struggle when it comes to pop culture. It seems like we tend to either be all-in or isolated entirely. We will produce Christian media, but usually, the only people reached by Christian media are…well…other Christians. The world just isn’t really...
by Salvador Ung Hayworth | May 23, 2024 | Counterfeit, Deceiver, Deception, Evil, False Prophecy, False Prophet, False Teacher, Hyper-charismatic, Occultism, Poverty, Sangoma, Word Faith, Worldview
In part 1 we looked at Cultural Influences Among Some African Word of Faith Adherents. Syncretism has been and continues to be a major danger that arises any time the Gospel penetrates a cultural context. The merging, at times imperceptible merging, or syncretizing of...
by Salvador Ung Hayworth | May 16, 2024 | Deception, Evil, Hyper-charismatic, Necromancy, Occultism, Poverty, Sangoma, Sorcery, Woke, Word Faith, Worldview
I am not sure when I first thought of the idea for making the two documentaries that I produced and directed. I am aware that it was either before or during 2012. But I do remember the catalyst. My good friend Mujuru, a Shona from Zimbabwe, visited us in the northern...
by Carl Teichrib | Aug 25, 2022 | Morality, Postmodernism, Psychology, Truth, Worldview
True truth, ultimate meaning, higher purpose; what defines reality has been distorted beyond recognition. Postmodernism has left civilization in a state of confusion, and in this, the tendency to elevate Self acts as a cultural norm. But this, too, is illusionary, for...
by Carl Teichrib | May 6, 2021 | Economic Reset, Global Reset, Globalism, Persecution, Progressives, Worldview
It’s a question that frequently comes up when faced with the looming reality of our changing world. Understandably so: Whether we’re encountering the Great Reset Agenda of the World Economic Forum, recognizing the influence of the interfaith movement, or watching the...
by Carl Teichrib | Jan 23, 2020 | Brian McLaren, Marxism, Richard Rohr, Salvation, Sin, Social Justice, Worldview
(Editor’s Note: The following is an adaptation from chapter 15 of Carl Teichrib’s book, Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment.) Professing Christians have three primary options in considering a response to our shifting world. First, we can...