by Guest Writer | Jan 6, 2018 | Bill Gothard / IBLP, Eastern Mysticism, False Teacher, Lawlessness, Legalism, Mass Shootings, MCOI Journal, Satanic RItual Abuse, SRA, Volume 11, Winter 2005
(Originally printed in the Winter 2005 Issue of the MCOI Journal beginning on page 12) By Jan Fletcher Our freedom to home-school is precious to us. Home-schooling parents cherish the freedom home-schooling gives our children to learn and grow in the ways we, as...
by Guest Writer | Dec 11, 2017 | Academia, Bible reliable, Guarding the flock, MCOI Journal, Scripture, Volume 11, Winter 2005
(Originally printed in the Winter 2005 Issue of the MCOI Journal beginning on page 8) INTRODUCTION The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) was formed for a single purpose-to defend the inerrancy of the Bible. It appears that postmodernism has defanged the ETS as it...
by Marcia Montenegro | Dec 9, 2017 | Brennan Manning, Buddhism, Centering Prayer, Contemplative Prayer, Eastern Mysticism, MCOI Journal, Volume 11, Winter 2005
(Originally printed in the Winter 2005 Issue of the MCOI Journal beginning on page 10) “God’s first language is silence.”1Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart (Rockport, MA: Benedict’s Monastery, 1992), 57 “Progress in intimacy with God means progress toward...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Oct 5, 2016 | Abortion, Ambassador, Christian living, Darwinism, Homosexuality, Infanticide, Liberal Left, MCOI Journal, NARAL, Pedophilia, Political Correctness, Politics, Progressives, Tolerance, Volume 11, Winter 2005
(Originally printed in the Winter 2005 Issue of the MCOI Journal) The morning of November 3, 2004, which dawned darkly upon liberals, offered a ray of hope to conservatives. George W. Bush was re-elected as the President of the United States. With his re-election a...