by Don and Joy Veinot | Apr 13, 2023 | Death, Despair, Grief, Hate, Hypocrites, Poverty, Salvation
Most, well really ALL of us — at some point believe life isn’t fair. The truth is life isn’t fair, and it hasn’t been fair nor unaccompanied by pain and loss since the Garden of Eden. Doesn’t it seem that some people have all the “luck?” Life appears to come...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Apr 19, 2018 | Culture and Society, David Hogg, Events, Evil, Free Speech, Gun Control, Hate, Mass Shootings, Politics, Progressive education, Progressives
In 1968, the film Wild in the Streets was released. The premise was a simple and a somewhat satirical jab at the burgeoning “anti-establishment,” counter-cultural revolution that was rampant at the time. A senator, played by Hal Holbrook, and Max Frost, a 22 year...
by Jonathan Miles | Dec 14, 2017 | Hate, Liberal Left, Morality, Politics, Social Justice, Virtue
Tu quoque. The term sounds like a special ballet move or what a Shakespearean character might say before he dies. In Latin it means, “You too.” Rumor has it that Julius Caesar said, “Tu quoque mi fili” (You too, my son) rather than the question...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Jun 29, 2017 | Apologetics, Atheism, Christian exclusivity, Christian Life, Early Church Fathers, Gay Marriage, Hate, Morality, New Atheists, Political Correctness, Politics, Salvation, Tolerance
The first time I recall being aware of the devastating power of Black Lies was probably in the 2000 election battle between George Bush and Al Gore. I was running my daily errands, and while at the Post Office, I witnessed the woman ahead of me having a near emotional...
by Jonathan Miles | Jan 26, 2017 | Culture and Society, Hate, Politics, Progressives
I’ve been pondering these lines from one of the greatest songwriters I have ever had the pleasure to listen: Mark Heard Hypnotized and shuttled in the limousine of hate Watching the scenery shatter in the brittle jaws of fate Well baby, I’m just another...