by Don and Joy Veinot | Jun 11, 2020 | Atheism, Atheist, Darwinism, Education, Evolution, Humanist Manifest, Marxism, Morality
Suggesting that atheists need Christianity may trigger serious heartburn and provoke angry denials from your average atheist. The atheist’s angry reaction at the mere suggestion would of course be nothing new. There has been a long and storied history of atheists...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Jan 25, 2018 | Atheism, Creation vs Evolution, Creationsim, Darwinism, Evolution, Intelligent Design, Robert Jastrow
Genesis 1 and 2 give an overview of the creation of all things. The Gospel of John (John 1:1-3) points back to Genesis 1 and ascribes the creation to “the Word” – the Son of God – Who is by nature God. John 1:3 states that if the Word did not create any...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Oct 19, 2017 | Apologetics, Atheism, Bible reliable, context, Creation vs Evolution, Creationsim, Death, Definitions, Early Church Fathers, Evolution, Hermeneutics, Reliability of the Bible, Resurrection, Salvation, Wicca
After our webcast, “500 Years after Reformation, Many Protestants Closer to Catholics than Martin Luther,” someone posted this question; “Why do you believe these bible stories; are you just afraid of death?” In view of the fact that the fear of death has tormented...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Mar 3, 2016 | Adultery, Christian Life, Christian living, Evolution, Fall 2002, Homosexuality, Liberal Theology, MCOI Journal, Pedophilia, Political Correctness, Politics, Relativism, Volume 8
(This originally appeared in the Fall 2002 edition of the MCOI Journal) In the August 9, 2002, online edition of World Net Daily, in an article entitled Why are Christians Losing America? David Kupelian writes: Most Americans call themselves Christians. Twice they...
by Guest Writer | Feb 22, 2016 | Darwinism, Evolution, MCOI Journal, Spring 2001
(This originally appeared in the Spring 2001 edition of the MCOI Journal beginning on page 12) By Keith Graham Now the Evolutines gathered their armies together to battle, and were gathered together in the name of Science, which rightly belongs to God; they encamped...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Feb 17, 2016 | Atheism, Black Liberation Theology, Cults and Religions, Culture and Society, Darwinism, Evolution, MCOI Journal, mysticism, Secular Humanism, Spring 2001
(This originally appeared in the Spring 2001 edition of the MCOI Journal) Many a driver has had the experience of driving along, listening to music, and losing oneself in thought, and then “waking up” to the realization they are on a different road than they had been...