by Don and Joy Veinot | May 12, 2022 | Agnostic, Atheism, Atheist, Creation vs Evolution, Creationsim, Culture Driven Church, Evolution, Gender, LGBTQA+, Liberal Left, Liberal Theology, Liberalism, Morality, Post Christian, Progressives, Transgender, Transgendered
It is painful to watch what seems to be the collapse of Western culture, including the serious degradation of our own country’s ideals and the descent into what can only be described as lawlessness. It’s just so foreign to people who have lived long enough to remember...
by Ron Henzel | Dec 9, 2021 | Adultery, Culture Driven Church, Culture War, Gay Marriage, Homophobic, Homosexuality, Immorality
[Note: This article is Part 1 of a projected series.] Currently, a battle is being waged for the soul of my home denomination. In the theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the question is being asked: “What did Paul mean when he wrote,...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Jun 27, 2019 | Brian McLaren, Church Growth Movement, Contemplative Prayer, Culture Driven Church, Deity of Christ, Evangelical Left, Homosexuality, Hyper-charismatic, Jesus Seminar, Kenneth Copeland, Liberal Left, Liberalism, New Apostles and Prophets, Progressives, Word Faith
Could it be that many who like to claim Christianity as their faith can only do so by minimizing God? In Christianity& Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen, Machen spends a fair amount of time addressing how liberal theologians in his day, who were “in search of the...
by Guest Writer | Jan 4, 2016 | Creation vs Evolution, Creationsim, Culture Driven Church, Darwinism, Evangelical Left, Liberal Left, Liberal Theology, MCOI Journal, Spring 2000, Theological liberalism
(This originally appeared in the Spring 2000 edition of the MCOI Journal beginning on page 4) by Pastor Keith Graham The English language has a ï¬ne old family of words. One venerable member is “liberality.” The word is synonymous with generosity and big-heartedness....
by Cameron Dobbins | Jun 11, 2015 | Christian living, Culture Driven Church, Discernment
Why do we buy books like Radical? I believe the reason is that we secretly seek significance and we feel we should be doing way more than we are. We feel that to be “radical” for Christ means we have to sell all we have and move to the desert. We at times...
by Don Veinot | Feb 19, 2015 | Church History, Cults and Religions, Culture Driven Church, Darwinism, Evolution, Islam, Jihadist, Slavery
Conservatives and Evangelicals nearly lost their minds when, on February 5 at the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama drew a moral equivalency between the ISIS beheadings and burnings of those ISIS captures with the Crusades, Inquisition, Jim Crow laws, etc. Hmmm....