by Don and Joy Veinot | May 28, 2020 | Bible, Bible Prophecy, Bible reliable, context, Contradictions, Cross, Definitions, Hermeneutics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scripture
Sometimes errors in understanding biblical texts stem from not paying close enough attention to the language. They can occur if we do not have a good working knowledge of the time period wherein the text was written and/or the cultural background. Other times errors...
by Steven Mark | Apr 16, 2020 | Christ, context, Cross, Gospel, Jesus, Jewish, Sacrifice, Sin
I recently read a critique of Biblical prophecy (specifically, Messianic prophecy), which was alleged to have been taken out of context by selectively quoting a verse or two, rather than quoting the entire passage. This claim stems from either a lack of understanding...
by Don and Joy Veinot | Jun 21, 2018 | Armageddon, Cross, False Prophecy, False Prophet, Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
We received word that our friend and former Florida Branch Director, Diane Gholson, age 94, passed into the presence of the Lord on June 8, 2018. Her daughter, Sue, sent a note which said in part: She slipped away from us quickly and I believe without suffering. Her...