by Don and Joy Veinot | Mar 5, 2020 | Christ, Church Councils, Church Fathers, Contemplative Prayer, Cosmic Christ, Council of Nicea, Early Church Fathers, Enneagram, Incarnation, Jesus - Michael the Archangel, Progressives, Redemption, Richard Rohr, Theological liberalism
In Matthew 16:15 Jesus the Christ asks his disciples an all-important question with eternal consequences, “But who do you say that I am?” It was the follow-up question in an exchange we read in Matthew 16:13-18: Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea...
by Joy Veinot | Apr 4, 2016 | Angel of the Lord, Church Fathers, Cults and Religions, Deity of Christ, Early Church Fathers, Fall 2003, Jehovah's Witnesses, MCOI Journal, Salvation
(Originally printed in the Fall 2003 Issue of the MCOI Journal) Should you believe in the Trinity? This is the question raised by the widely circulated, 1989 booklet published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS)*, appropriately titled Should You Believe...
by Don Veinot | Jan 29, 2015 | Apologetics, Church Fathers, Church History, Cults and Religions, Culture and Society, Islam, Jesus Seminar, John Dominic Crossan
Not long ago Barack Obama proclaimed, “ISIL is not Islamic.” Certainly he has a right to express his opinion, no matter how uninformed or perhaps emotionally informed he may be but that doesn’t make his declaration correct or accurate. I have always been intrigued by...
by Jonathan Miles | Dec 5, 2013 | Atonement, Christ and the Church, Church, Church Fathers, Culture and Society, Evil, Jesus Seminar, John Dominic Crossan, Liberal Theology
While surfing the interweb the other day I happened upon yet another attempt at describing the “people you meet” in society. Apparently stereo-typing people is some sort of hobby on line. But one of these got my attention. I can’t vouch for anything...
by Don Veinot | Apr 14, 2011 | Church Fathers, General
The season of our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is upon us. With is come the march of liberal theologians on the main stream media claiming the Bible is myth and fable. Also, Jewish filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici makes, what seems like, his annual...
by Don Veinot | Sep 17, 2009 | Apologetics, Church Fathers, Church History, General, Politics
But you seem to fear lest all men become righteous, and you no longer have any to punish. ( Justin Martyr’ The First Apology of Justin The Anti-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1; T&T Clark/Eerdmans, 1989 pg 166) For the first time since we began MCOI we have been in a...