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Chicago – Credit: MIRAMAX / Album – Visual Icon

The 2002 musical film, Chicago, set in the 1920s, demonstrates the ease with which the public can be deceived – especially if you know how to manipulate the press into selling your narrative. The basic story line is that of a married woman, Roxie Hart (played by Renée Zellweger), who is having an affair with a furniture salesman, Fred Casely (played by Dominic West) who had promised to get her into show business. As Casely was walking out on her, he told her he had lied about being able to get her into show business. Enraged, Roxie picked up a revolver and shot him three times, killing him instantly. Arrested and charged with murder and put in jail, Roxie was introduced to celebrity defense attorney, William “Billy” Flynn (played by Richard Gere) who was very successful in winning cases, no matter how the facts might be stacked up against the defendant. Roxie was clearly guilty, but Billy’s defense strategy was simple. As he had done many times before, he would simply invent a new narrative to cover up the true story. Then he would call a press conference and sell the press the new lying narrative. The press would in turn sell the public the false story, poisoning the jury pool that would be selected from among the deceived public, who would then willingly exonerate his client who was thoroughly guilty! “The Press Conference Rag” scene shows Billy as a ventriloquist/puppeteer, Roxie as the dummy on his lap, and the press corps as his marionettes. The scene won an Oscar.

By the end of the scene, everyone is singing the same song, “They both reached for the gun.” It was delf defense, don’t ‘cha know.

To us this is more than just a scene in a film. Religious Cults very successfully recruit new people in this way, albeit on a smaller scale. They build a narrative that distorts biblical teaching to those who do not know the scriptures at all or are confused about what it teaches. “Jesus never claimed to be God, they claim. He is actually an archangel named Michael, though you won’t find that ‘truth’ in the bible! The little church down the road is the evil whore of Babylon, world empire of false religion, and God chose the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society – or whatever group is being “promoted” – to sell magazines with lots of pictures and an altered gospel that cannot save anyone. Their group, as they tell it, is in fact the only source of God’s truth, though there is no truth in it. They go door to door recruiting others into joining. Not everyone will listen to their message, thankfully, but enough will to keep the whole charade going.

Deception can be accomplished on a far grander scale than just individual promotion or cult persuasion, of course. Political falsehood can also be peddled quite effectively on a far larger national, or even international scale. Joseph Goebbels became the Nazi propaganda chief for the Nazi party and is quoted as saying:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”1Joseph Goebbels On the “Big Lie”; Jewish Virtual Library: A Project of AICE

Of course, Goebbels wasn’t a lone voice speaking to a national audience on behalf of the Nazi party or its dear leader in those dark days. The entirety of the press in that dark era was pressured, forcibly controlled and informed by the government. Any who published non-approved thoughts were put out of business:

When Hitler took power in 1933, the Nazis controlled less than three percent of Germany’s 4,700 papers. The elimination of the multiparty political system not only brought about the demise of hundreds of newspapers produced by outlawed political parties; it also allowed the state to seize the printing plants and equipment of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties, which were often turned over directly to the Nazi Party. In the following months, the Nazis established control or exerted influence over independent press organs.

During the first weeks of 1933, the Nazi regime deployed the radio, press, and newsreels to stoke fears of a pending “Communist uprising,” then channeled popular anxieties into political measures that eradicated civil liberties and democracy.2Writing in the News,” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

Most of us would like to think this could not happen in our country, to us, or in most of Western culture, but we believe it has. There was no overt forced takeover of what was the Fourth Estate – the press and news media – and the new addition of the Fifth Estate – non-traditional media – but there has been serious pressure brought to bear to get everyone in Western Society singing the same song and silencing those who would disagree. There is no need to forcibly take over the press when the press is now largely singing the same song as the government. Billy Flynn’s method is still working quite well. Invent a new story – not the true story – and recruit the thought shapers to sing it to the public as your willing marionettes. “A coming catastrophe” scenario is a very effective story to use in terrifying the populace and persuading people to fearfully fall in line with the narrative of the media – and eventually that of the Federal government.

One such scary narrative was introduced on April 22, 1970 on the first “Earth Day,” and has been scaring and reshaping the mores of Western Civilization ever since. As Carl Teichrib points out in Game of Gods:

The First National Environmental Teach-In, April 22, 1970, became a “defining moment in the modern environmental movement.

Styled after the anti-Vietnam war demonstrations on American campuses, this Teach-In, initiated by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was meant to create a revolutionary ethic. Young people across the country were questioning and rejecting what were considered to be traditional, American values. Nelson believed the Teach-In would empower this wandering generation with a new sense of purpose.3Teichrib, Carl. Game of gods: The temple of man in the age of re-enchantment. Plumas, Manitoba: Whitemud House Publishing, 2018; p.197

As Carl points out in his book, it was a defining moment. Without realizing it, Western culture was reestablishing Gaia worship, which of course had been prevalent in ancient Greece. The movement started out strong:

On that day, the 22nd of April, approximately 20 million Americans participated in rallies, marches, and demonstrations: “the event included local beach cleanups, tree plantings, horseback rides down interstate highways, parades of gas-masked marchers in urban centers, open-air campus teach-ins on ecology, and a thousand other innovations on a theme.” 4Teichrib, Carl. Game of gods: The temple of man in the age of re-enchantment. Plumas, Manitoba: Whitemud House Publishing, 2018; p.197

What was the vehicle used to get the word out? The press of course:

Using newspapers, magazines and mailers to spread the word, an estimated 20 million people participated in the first Earth Day.5The real history of Earth Day and story behind the global eco-celebration,” Faith Bernstein, ABC News, April 22, 2021

The new religious narrative – for that is exactly what it is – quickly spread in earnest throughout much of America and Western Civilization as a whole, and the press and the universities pretty quickly took up the cause in earnest. Incumbant congressmen6The real history of Earth Day and story behind the global eco-celebration,” Faith Bernstein, ABC News, April 22, 2021 were recruited into the cause and the narrative was spread to the unsuspecting citizens by the government and the education system – supported by taxpayer funds:

“On Earth Day,” explained Nelson the following month, “it was estimated that 2,000 college campuses, 2,000 community groups and 10,000 elementary and secondary schools were holding events.” An entire generation was awakening to the idea of being Earth citizens.7Teichrib, Carl. Game of gods: The temple of man in the age of re-enchantment. Plumas, Manitoba: Whitemud House Publishing, 2018; p.197

The premise was simple. The earth is racing, so they proclaim, toward a cataclysmic event – and human beings are the planetary thermostat! Those who do not know or recall history may not remember that in the 1970’s the assertion was made that global cooling would soon bring on a new Ice Age. Those of us in North America would need to flee south if we wanted to survive this unthinkable devastation. Americans must not have put too much stock in it at that time, as we’re obviously still living in the northern states. We think the average American in those days probably said to themselves. “That’s interesting, I guess we’ll see,” and went on with their lives.

An interesting article, “In 1975, Newsweek Predicted A New Ice Age. We’re Still Living with the Consequences” published in 2017 admitted that there had been little to no scientific evidence to support the claims of global cooling, but it was “‘almost unanimous’ in the opinion” of Meteorologists.

Obviously, the cooling scare didn’t work out, so the narrative was upgraded to – you guessed it – global warming. Anyone paying attention will realize that is the exact opposite of what was originally proclaimed – today the scarenario is the ice packs are melting, which will cause the oceans to rise, spelling our certain doom.

Eventually, as that didn’t work out perfectly either, the scare was changed to the catchall designation of “Climate Change” – and to add more credibility to the new designation, the claim was made that 97% of climate scientists agreed that humans are causing a coming global catastrophe. The problem is that this too was false, as was pointed out in the Forbes 2015 piece, “‘97% Of Climate Scientists Agree’ Is 100% Wrong.” Even though it isn’t true, you have to admit it was a more successful title, as “Climate Change” was pleasantly non-specific, making it far more malleable. (The only way this terrible outcome can be mitigated at all, it seems, is to destroy priceless artwork in Museums. But we digress.)

The Fourth and Fifth Estate, taking their lead from the government, continued producing terrifying stories to hopefully fan the flames of fear. Every storm, every cool or hot or wet or dry spell – and even horrific wildfires or possibly a flat tire on your car, can be said to be due to “climate change.” It is all allegedly due to the reliance on fossil fuels by wealthy western nations. Naysayers were punished by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media by being labeled “climate deniers” and charged by “fact-checkers” with posting “fake news.” What happened to our vaunted American freedom of speech? And who was checking the fact checkers? At times social media even canceled the accounts of “offenders” in an effort to protect the official story. It has become the new religion of millions and its doctrines must never be questioned – and any who do will be publicly excoriated as heretics or canceled by the media priests and priestesses. There is some hope presently that freedom of thought may prevail, but knowing the future is slightly beyond our pay grade.

This is only one area of current Western culture that is embracing pagan beliefs and rejecting God’s creation in exchange for creature worship. The idea that we were created male and female by God is likewise being widely rejected in favor of the idea that human beings can simply reimagine and personalize their individual gender as we choose. This idea has been endlessly promoted by the Media, universities, and government agencies to the point that the average citizen seems to have buckled under peer pressure and/or out of fear of being “canceled.” Even sources like MedicineNet feeds the story with articles like, “What Are the 72 Other Genders?” Physicians and medical professionals can be excommunicated (canceled) if they even dare to appeal to the science of the issue.

Worshiping the planet, creation and creature worship, as in the tiny Smelt fish being far more important to us than fellow human beings – has been normalized in the current post Christian era. And it seems likely there is far more deception and trouble to come:

Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:12-13)

Are we saying that only non-Christians can be deceived, while Christians don’t have to carefully examine their own lives and beliefs, to make sure they are walking in step with the scriptures? NO! Certainly not! The first human to be deceived was Eve in the Garden of Eden. All of humanity is susceptible to deception which is why we must stay in the Word and stay as close to God as we can. And pray.Ω

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