We just got back on the road after a bit of home time. We only had four days at home, four precious days to get our gardens ready for spring/summer and do other springtime chores. Yeah, right… The night we pulled in the temperature was in the high 60’s. The next day it promptly snowed – not deep snow – just 4 inches or so, but certainly enough to derail our plans.
Now of course we should have known better. Everyone who has lived their life in northern Illinois (Chicagoland area) knows better than to plan on seeing a little spring in actual springtime. If we get any, it is certainly a mistake of nature.
People who live in the south and the southwest have no idea how we suffer!!! It is just so unfair! Let me share a few winter facts with you…
The first month of winter is December. We do get cold weather and snow in December, but nobody but scrooges mind this – it is all covered up in the sentimental haze of Christmas – “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” and all that. Nobody complains about the snow and cold in December. If anyone dares to, we boo and hiss at such grinchness. We cheerfully slog through the snow and ice – we shovel it and slip and slide in it. Let’s go sledding!! Break out the Hot Chocolate!
Christmas is over – now it’s January. Ugh, more snow… Wow, it’s so cold! We are tired of piling 35 pounds of clothing on ourselves and the kids…. It can take a mother of three an hour just to get the kids out the door for school. Where’s my boots??? Get your snow pants on! Gloves! Scarves! Hats! Mom, I gotta pee!!! Grey skies…cold drizzle, blizzards, slush on warmer days, ice on colder ones…
February 2nd – Groundhog day… yep, that cute little critter saw his shadow – 6 more weeks of winter! Oh Noooooo! (Like anyone was realy surprised)February is so bleak and so dark and so endless, but we hang onto hope – March is on the way…
Mid March – OK Groundhog, its been 6 weeks – so where’s the spring??? Where’s the crocus, where’s the daffodils, where’s the Robins? HAH! It’s a scam!!! A scam, I say! No spring… Drat…Oh well, what can be done? Hold on just a little longer – April is on the way!
April – just when we cannot stand another day, not another minute, – just when we KNOW we cannot stand anymore snow, ice, sleet – just when cabin fever has reached its peak and we are at the very end of our ropes, that dang fleabag Groudhog pops up again and here we go with 6 more weeks of winter!!! Can’t someone strangle that thing???!!
That’s winter in Chicago. I know that winters in Minnesota are purported to be even worse, but that changes nothing – after all, what kind of NUT would actually LIVE in Minnesota anyway???
Love, Joyful
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